Privacy Policy | Viking Avenue Skip to content


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Privacy Policy

Identity of the data controller

VIKING AVENUE is responsible for the processing of personal data carried out on the site accessible at the URL address (hereinafter “the Site” ).

Within the limits of their respective attributions, the data is intended for the relevant departments of EWMRA SL (marketing, sales, after-sales service, etc.), and for service providers linked to the sale of products and services on the Site.

This page informs you how we use and protect your personal data, as well as why we process this data.

  1. Why we process your data

We use your personal data in particular to conclude and execute our contracts with you, provide you with pre-contractual information, serve our legitimate interests, and comply with our legal and regulatory obligations, and more specifically to:

  • allow you to create an account on the Site;
  • provide you with information relating to our products and services;
  • carry out operations relating to customer management concerning:
    • the conclusion of contracts with us, so that customers and users can benefit from the services that we offer and as described in its General Conditions of Sale (“CGV”)
    • management of orders, deliveries and invoices;
    • accounting and in particular the management of customer accounts;
    • manage complaints (after-sales service) and allow you to exercise your right of withdrawal;
  • manage unpaid debts and disputes;
  • ensure the management of people's opinions on products, services or content;
  • retain proof of transactions or operations.
  • carry out operations relating to prospecting and organize promotional operations;
  • manage your requests to exercise “information technology and freedoms” rights;
  • ensure the sending of a newsletter;

In some cases, consent is required to process your data, and in these cases you can withdraw your consent.

  1. Retention periods for your data
  1. Data relating to customers and members

Personal data relating to our customers is not kept beyond the period strictly necessary for the management of the commercial relationship. However, data making it possible to establish proof of a right or a contract, or kept for compliance with a legal obligation, may be the subject of an intermediate archiving policy for a period of only not exceeding the duration necessary for the purposes for which they are kept, in accordance with the provisions in force.

  1. Data relating to non-customer prospects

Personal data relating to a non-customer prospect is kept for a period of three (3) years from their collection or the last contact from the prospect. At the end of this period, we may contact the person concerned to find out if they wish to continue to receive commercial solicitations. In the absence of a positive and explicit response from the person, the data will be deleted or archived.

  1. Data transfer outside the European Union

You are informed that data concerning you may be transmitted for the purposes of the purposes mentioned above to companies located in Canada, a country recognized as suitable by the European Commission (decision 2002/2/EC), and in the United States to companies respecting the “Privacy Shield” established between the United States and the European Union.

  1. Your rights

You have the right to access, rectify or delete personal data concerning you as well as the right to portability of your data. You also have a right to restriction of processing, a right to object to processing and a right to define directives relating to the fate of your personal data after your death.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time when the processing of your data relies on it.

You can exercise these rights by writing to

In accordance with the law, you have the legal right to lodge any complaint with a supervisory authority: